Lesson Plans for Children

Looking Forward to Christmas

These lesson plans are for teachers in parochial school settings, for parents and grandparents to use with their children, or for personal or group Bible study. If you choose to use these complimentary lesson plans, we encourage you to purchase at least one copy of the book, which is available on Amazon.

Week One

Goal: To demonstrate/explain why Advent is celebrated

Question: Why do a number of churches have Advent services? 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 122, verse 1.  The tabernacle was called “the house of the Lord.”  (The temple had not yet been built.) If the arc of the covenant was there, it had the mercy seat.  Why was David glad to go?  People could gather in peace because of God’s mercy.

What does this mean for us today? We can go to “the house of the Lord” for the same reason.  We love God… “because he first loved us”
(I John 4:19).  We can go, not expecting punishment.  We expect mercy which means forgiveness.  This explains WHY Advent is a joyful time even though it’s like Lent, a time to remember our sinfulness and confess it.  We know God is loving and merciful.

How does the book, Looking Forward to Christmas, help with Advent?

P. vi - It shows us Jesus as the Light of the world. (John 1:9 & John 8:12)

P. 7 - It shows us Jesus with God at creation (John 1:2-3)

P. 8 - It reminds us there are Christian churches all over the world

P. 10 - It leads to the genealogical study of Jesus (Matthew 1 & Luke 3)

P. 12 & 13 - When the world grieved God because of violence, Noah was saved - a promise was made to Abraham. (Genesis 6 & Genesis 12:1-3, & Genesis 17:5)

Scripture Verse:  Psalm 27.  The Lord is my light. He is my salvation.  He is a stronghold – a place of refuge – a hiding place where I’m safe.  David said he would sing and make melody to the Lord.  Discuss.

Activity for Pre-K to 3rd grade: Psalm 47 –song: Clap Your Hands and/or a coloring page.

Activity for 4th grade to 6th:  Teach and sing a part of the liturgy and/or draw a picture of Noah’s Arc with lots of rain drops.

Activity for 7th grade to 9th:  Make a poster titled, “A Lamp for my Feet” to remind students that Jesus guides our way – even to church, and/or choose a favorite hymn to recite or pray for the week. 

Week Two

Goal: To demonstrate/explain how God blesses us

Question: Can you think of ways you have been blessed?

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 7:14. Sometime people fail to see the New Testament in the Old. The gospel is everywhere in the Old Testament. Isaiah tells about the promise God kept for the Old Testament people and for us!  A virgin will give birth to a son.  His name will be Immanuel.   Matthew 1:23 defines “Immanuel” -- “God with us.” The BEST blessing!

Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:20. God is not far away, but with us.                                                       

Blessings: (for Old Testament people… and us: P.13 (Looking Forward to Christmas) God kept his promise/blessing that many nations would come from Abraham.                                   

Question: What nation are you from?

P. 14-21 - (Looking Forward to Christmas) God’s promises: P.14. Isaac is born. P.15. His son, Jacob, had 12 sons known as the 12 tribes of Israel, one was Joseph, who forgave his brothers even when their “confession” was an excuse – maybe even a lie. P.16-18. Moses was saved to lead people across the Red Sea ON DRY LAND. (A very BIG blessing.) P.19. Even the Ten Commandments are a blessing – they help us stay out of trouble. P.20 God showed Moses how to worship. P.21. Aaron’s Blessing (Numbers 6:22-27) These are God’s own words for Aaron to use and these words are often used to bless us at the end of a church service.

Activity for Pre-K to 3rd grade: Color a picture of Jesus blessing children, or have them walk a path pretending a wall of water is on both sides.

Activity for 4th grade to 6th:  Make a list of your blessings. Think about this throughout the week. . . and thank God for them.

Activity for 7th grade to 9th:  Think about how you can be a blessing to your parents by honoring them as it says in Exodus 20:12. Also, if you have siblings think about how you can be a blessing to them. If you find yourself arguing or treating someone unfairly, confess secretly to God, knowing he will forgive and help you. The Lord waits for us prodigals to repent/return to Him just as the Biblical prodigal son story teaches us.   

Week Three

Goal: To demonstrate/explain the need for confession

Question: When most people are afraid, are you afraid, too?  P.22 of the book, Looking Forward to Christmas, tells that ten out of twelve, were fearful.  Number 13:31. (Caleb and Joshua trusted, however.)

Scripture Reading: Numbers 14:19 Moses stood before the Lord praying for forgiveness, just as you are prayed for in the church service.

P.23 –a prophet greater than Moses would come someday.

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 18:18. Compare this reading to John 12:49-50.  Is John 12:49-50 a “fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18:18?

P. 24 - Joshua believed God, and the walls of Jericho… read Joshua 6:20

P. 25 - Did Gideon want to be a leader? Judges 6:13, and verse 15.

P. 26 - Judges 13:24. Samson was a Judge for Israel for twenty years. He didn’t conform to the godless culture of the Philistines who ruled over Israel at the time, Judges 15:11, 16:23, Samson’s prayer 16:28.

P.27 - You may be familiar with the song about Ruth.  Read Ruth 1:16. God blessed Ruth and Boaz with a son who is part of the genealogy in Matthew and Luke. Read Ruth 4:17. (Son born to Naomi is a grandson)

P. 29 & 30 - David was anointed king while he was still a shepherd boy.  

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16:11-12. (Becoming king after Saul.)

Activity for Pre-K to 3rd grade: Play a CD of, or sing from memory, Ruth’s song and/or build a Jericho wall to knock down – explain that God did the real one.  Offer a prayer for God to forgive & love us.

Activity for 4th grade to 6th: Play or sing the Ruth song and/or discuss how Jesus is a better prophet than Moses. (Use John 1:17 & John 3:17)

Activity for 7th grade to 9th: Play or sing the Ruth song and/or role play the ten men telling Moses it is not safe to go into the Promised Land with someone playing Joshua and another person playing Caleb arguing that God will be with them.

Note: Noting the stories, what are some reasons we should confess?

Week Four

Goal: To demonstrate/explain the three parts of Advent

1 – He Came: Advent is preparation for celebrating the birth of the Savior. The best preparation is attending church services in Advent.

P. 32 & 33 - God sent Gabriel to Mary. Luke 126-27 & Luke 1:46-55

P. 34 - Jesus is the Holy One. Luke 1:35. The name Jesus. Matthew 1:21

He was promised, as a Savior, to Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:15

P.35 - The Shepherds said “Let us go… and see.” Luke 2 :15-16

2 -- He comes into our hearts TODAY! (The second part of Advent)  Peter’s sermon on Pentecost “cut to the heart.” Acts 2:37  Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:9-11) The people asked Peter (on Pentecost) “What shall we do?”

Question: Do you know Peter’s answer?   Repent and be baptized… for the forgiveness of your sins.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:20  Jesus stands at the door and knocks – He comes to us as we repent and confess our sins in church services.  He comes with forgiveness.  We hear the words of absolution… words of forgiveness.   

3 – He will come AGAIN!  (The third part of Advent)

Jesus promises he will not leave them as orphans. John 14:18 and He will be with us “to the end of the ages.” Matthew 28:20  He is going to prepare a place for us.  John 14:3 And in this verse he says He will come again. He wants US to be WITH Him.

Scripture Reading: John 20:31. John writes so we may believe.

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:9. We can’t imagine heaven.

Activity for Pre-K to 3rd grade: Trace a large heart (or a manger). Draw a tiny baby Jesus. It doesn’t have to have a face, or the children can choose to draw one.  Cut an oval around baby Jesus, and place the baby on the heart (or in the manger.  Sing Away in the Manger.

Activity for 4th grade to 6th grade: Write a poem or phrase about why you love Jesus and/or why He loves you. Sing an Alleluia song – He’s Risen.

Activity for 7th to 9th grade: Draw the Heavenly Banquet Dinner. Sing the hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy or choose an Advent hymn to sing. Thank the Lord for His unfailing love and forgiveness.